Friday 16 October 2009

Multi-Camera Techniques- Live TV

Demographically- About the person's life (where they live, how much they earn etc..)
Psycho-graphically- What the person's likes and dislikes are etc...

Gillian Dyer's theory- how advertisements target the consumers via different lines of appeal including our hopes and fears

Hemeren's theory- Adverts include the following:
Reward power- has some rewards for the customer
Coercive power- advertisement presented upon pain of threat or punishment (try to talk you into it)
Referent power- The message associated with the product fits into the reader's value system
(music and setting etc fitting the theme and genre of the product and target audience)
Expert power- expert introduces the product
Star power- product is associated with a celebrity figure

Young and Rubican's theory- categorizing target audience into groups of people
Mainstreamers- people who seek security, sentimental, domestic, value for money (largest group to advertise at)
Aspirers- People who seek status, materialistic, oriented towards image and appearance, fashion and persona
Succeeders- Seek control, work ethic, self rewarding quality.

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